Radiological diagnostics in Bukovel - Resort Medical Park health and wellness complex

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Radiation diagnostics


Ultrasound diagnostics

Radiation diagnostics in Bukovel is a modern and highly effective method of medical examination that uses various types of radiation to obtain images of internal organs and human tissues. By allowing disease to be detected in the early stages, this method plays a key role in preventing the development of many serious diseases. Radiological diagnostics covers a wide range of research, which you can always entrust to the professional team of Resort Medical Park.

Why is radiodiagnosis necessary?

Radiation diagnostics is extremely important for modern medicine, allowing to detect diseases at the earliest possible stages, which is often a decisive factor for successful treatment. This method of examination can identify changes in tissues and organs that do not show external symptoms, allowing doctors to establish an accurate diagnosis before the appearance of obvious signs of the disease. This approach significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment, since many diseases detected at an early stage are much better treated than those diagnosed later.

The use of radiation diagnostics also allows for planning treatment with maximum accuracy, because doctors receive detailed information about the size, shape and location of pathological formations, such as tumors or foci of inflammation. Thus, it is possible not only to prevent the development of the disease, but also to significantly reduce the risk of complications by choosing the most effective and safe methods of treatment.

What methods are used in X-ray diagnostics in Bukovel

Our radiation diagnostics center in Bukovel uses a variety of instrumental methods, each of which has its own characteristics and rules of conduct:

· Radiography. The traditional method, which allows you to obtain images of bones and some internal organs, is especially useful for detecting fractures and lung pathologies.

· Computed tomography (CT). Provides an opportunity to obtain detailed cross-sectional images of organs, revealing tumors, internal hemorrhages and other pathologies.

· Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is used to obtain highly detailed images of soft tissues, including the brain, spine, joints and internal organs.

· Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). A painless and safe method that uses ultrasound waves to visualize internal organs, including the heart, liver, kidneys and pregnancy.

Duplex scan (Doppler)

Ultrasound of vessels of the head and neck (duplex scan)UAH 870
Ultrasound of the peripheral arteries of the lower extremity (duplex scan)420 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the peripheral arteries of both lower extremities (duplex scan)770 hryvnias


Ultrasound of pregnancy 

Ultrasound determination of pregnancy500 hryvnias
Ultrasound cervicometryUAH 390
Ultrasound of the fetus (1st trimester of pregnancy)770 hryvnias
Ultrasound pregnancy I trimester (3 photos)770 hryvnias


Ultrasound children's profile

Ultrasound of abdominal organs (child)UAH 390
Ultrasound of abdominal organs and kidneys (child)UAH 630
Ultrasound of kidneys and bladder (child)330 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (child)300 hryvnias


Comprehensive ultrasound programs

Comprehensive ultrasound "Women's health" (ultrasound OMT + ultrasound MH + ultrasound thyroid)1100 hryvnias
Men's package (ultrasound of the prostate gland, bladder, portal organs)UAH 990
Standard package (ultrasound of organs of the abdominal cavity, thyroid gland, kidneys)1030 hryvnias
Children's package (ultrasound of organs of the abdominal cavity, thyroid gland, kidneys and bladder)UAH 830
Comprehensive ultrasound of the liver, gall bladder and kidneysUAH 550


Ultrasound general profile

Ultrasound of mammary glands450 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the bladder280 hryvnias
Ultrasound of superficial structures / one zone330 hryvnias
Ultrasound of abdominal organs (liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas)500 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space 700 hryvnias
Transabdominal pelvic ultrasound (in women)500 hryvnias
Transvaginal pelvic ultrasound500 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder (without gallbladder)420 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the kidneys360 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the organs of the urinary system (kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder) transabdominally540 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the prostate gland and bladder (residual urine) (transabdominal)UAH 630
Prostate ultrasound (transabdominal)440 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the prostate gland and bladder (residual urine) (transrectal examination)750 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the spleen250 UAH
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland420 hryvnias
Folliculometry250 UAH
Ultrasound of testicles, spermatic cords, penis650 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the portal organs (testicles, epididymis)500 hryvnias
Ultrasound of one joint420 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography)UAH 660
Ultrasound of the organs of the abdominal cavity and gall bladder after a trial breakfastUAH 550
Ultrasound of the salivary glands330 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder and prostate with determination of residual urineUAH 810
Ultrasound of symmetrical joints770 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the bladder with determination of residual urine330 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder and prostate gland800 UAH
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs with the diagnosis of dyskinesia of the gallbladderUAH 550
Ultrasound of superficial structures750 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the pleural sinuses330 hryvnias
Folliculometry (1 procedure)250 UAH
Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities770 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the lungsUAH 580


New services

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space in case of injury to determine the integrity of internal organsUAH 870
Ultrasound of the OCP in case of injury to determine the integrity of internal organs620 hryvnias
Ultrasound of kidneys in case of injury to determine the integrity of internal organs440 hryvnias
Ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography) to rule out an emergency600 UAH



X-ray of shoulder joints, two joints900 UAH
X-ray of the shoulder joint, one joint700 hryvnias
X-ray of the hip joint in one projection700 hryvnias
X-ray of the sacrum and coccyx in 2 projections900 UAH
X-ray of children's pelvic bones in direct projection (two hip joints in one image)600 UAH
X-ray of the Turkish saddle700 hryvnias
X-ray of the bones of both bones (foot) in two projections900 UAH
Radiography of abdominal organs700 hryvnias
X-ray examination of chest organs in one projection700 hryvnias
X-ray examination of the organs of the chest cavity in two projections900 UAH
X-ray of the upper limb in one projection700 hryvnias
X-ray of the upper limb in two projections900 UAH
X-ray of the lower limb in one projection700 hryvnias
X-ray of the lower limb in two projections900 UAH
X-ray of knee joints in one projection (2 hip joints in one picture)700 hryvnias
X-ray of one part of the spine in scoliosis700 hryvnias
X-ray of the lumbar (thoracic) spine, two projections - direct, lateral900 UAH
X-ray of the thoracic spine, one projection700 hryvnias
X-ray of the cervical spine, two projections - direct, lateral900 UAH
X-ray of the cervical spine + lumbar spine in one projection900 UAH
X-ray of the lumbar spine, with functional samples, 2 projections900 UAH
X-ray of the bones of the pelvis, one projection (two hip joints in one image)900 UAH
X-ray of one clavicle in one projection700 hryvnias
X-ray of the bones of the skull in two projections900 UAH
X-ray of one joint in two projections900 UAH
X-ray of the cervical spine with functional samples, 2 projectionsUAH 950
X-ray of two joints in two projections900 UAH
X-ray of the hands, two hands in direct projection700 hryvnias
X-ray of the foot, two feet in direct projection900 UAH
X-ray of the supply air sinuses, direct projection700 hryvnias
X-ray of the 1st-2nd cervical vertebra through the mouth (transoral)700 hryvnias
X-ray of the ribs is a survey in one projection700 hryvnias
X-ray of one anatomical area in one projection700 hryvnias
Film printing (1 sheet)180 hryvnias


Is it possible to make an error in the results of radiological diagnostics

At Resort Medical Park, we strive to provide patients with the highest quality services, including radiological diagnostics, which are an integral part of modern medical examination. At the same time, we realize that, despite the high level of accuracy and reliability of modern diagnostic methods, there is a minimal risk of errors. They may be due to a number of factors, including equipment limitations, the human factor in data interpretation, and the specifics of the patient's medical condition, which can complicate diagnosis.

That is why we take all possible measures to minimize these risks: from the use of advanced diagnostic equipment and its regular maintenance to ensuring the continuous professional development of our specialists. We also actively promote cooperation between various specialists of our complex for in-depth analysis of each case, which allows us to provide the most accurate and effective diagnosis. Despite the rarity of such cases, we are always ready to improve processes and approaches so that our patients receive only the best care and service.

Advantages of radiation diagnostics at Resort Medical Park

Taking care of our own reputation and the comfort of patients, we offer numerous advantages for all visitors of our medical and wellness complex. First of all, the following should be noted:

· Modern equipment. Resort Medical Park uses the latest machines for MRI, CT, X-ray and ultrasound examinations, which allows obtaining high-definition images.

· Service speed. Due to the efficient organization of work and a large amount of equipment, waiting times for conducting research and obtaining results are shortened.


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