Rehabilitation after injuries and operations at Resort Medical Park

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Traumatological rehabilitation

For patients after injuries, fractures, dislocations, operative interventions for endoprosthesis, osteometallosynthesis, for patients with postural disorders, bone and joint diseases



(the final set of examinations, treatment and procedures is carried out only by appointment of a doctor)

For patients after injuries, fractures, dislocations, operative interventions for endoprosthesis, osteometallosynthesis, for patients with postural disorders, bone and joint diseases

The cost of the rehabilitation program

7 Днів

ЦінаThe term of rehabilitation
Вартість послуг реабілітації14700 UAHКомплексна ПАКЕТНА програма оздоровлення  від 7 днів (лікарські консультації, діагностичні та реабілітаційні втручання, функціональні тренування, фізична терапія, фізіотерапія, гідрокінезіотерапія, масаж, перебування в палаті двомісне, без харчування)
Додатковий сервіс4200 UAHТриразове харчування
Додатковий сервіс10500 UAHОдномісне перебування


10 Днів

ЦінаThe term of rehabilitation
Вартість послуг реабілітації
21000 UAHКомплексна ПАКЕТНА програма оздоровлення  від 7 днів (лікарські консультації, діагностичні та реабілітаційні втручання, функціональні тренування, фізична терапія, фізіотерапія, гідрокінезіотерапія, масаж, перебування в палаті двомісне, без харчування)
Додатковий сервіс6000 UAHТриразове харчування
Додатковий сервіс15000 UAHОдномісне перебування


14 Днів

ЦінаThe term of rehabilitation
Вартість послуг реабілітації 29400
Комплексна ПАКЕТНА програма оздоровлення  від 7 днів (лікарські консультації, діагностичні та реабілітаційні втручання, функціональні тренування, фізична терапія, фізіотерапія, гідрокінезіотерапія, масаж, перебування в палаті двомісне, без харчування)
Додатковий сервіс8400 грнТриразове харчування
Додатковий сервіс21000 грнОдномісне перебування


*Остаточний перелік кількості та видів послуг для програми реабілітації формує лікар, проживання в апартаментах та харчування у вартість комплексної пакетної  програми не входять. Променева діагностика (МРТ,КТ, рентгенографія), лабораторна діагностика, консультації спеціалістів за супутніми діагнозами оплачуються додатково за призначенням лікуючого лікаря. Проживання в апартаментах: ціну уточнюйте.


Rehabilitation program

  1. Consultation of a traumatologist with a clinical and instrumental analysis of the course of the disease and assessment of the functional state of the patient. Assessment and correction of risk factors, determination of caveats to rehabilitation.
  2. Consultation of the FRM doctor with the development of an individual rehabilitation program
  3. Consultation of a physical therapist
  4. Diagnostics (rehabilitation assessment): pain assessment by visual analog scale, determination of upper extremity functional index (UEFI), lower extremity functional index (LEFS), Stratford scale (The Back Pain Function Scale of Stratford, BPFS), manual-muscular testing (MMT), determining the amplitude of movements in the joints (goniometry)
  5. Physical rehabilitation:
    • practicing walking skills
    • walking while overcoming architectural obstacles
    • kinesiotherapy – a system of individual training that restores balance in the work of deep muscles, mobilizes joints, strengthens the entire muscle corset, relieves pain and improves posture
    • mechanotherapy - exercises with resistance on HUR simulators (a system of computerized simulators with an active effect on individual muscle groups, training helps to restore tone and increase strength)
    • Scandinavian walking is a system of preventive training for restoring joints and the spine
  6. Hydrokinesiotherapy (unloading exercises in the pool using additional equipment: water bike, track and sports equipment)
  7. Therapeutic massage, lymph draining, anti-edematous, instrumental tissue mobilization (Blade therapy for joint contractures, if there are no contraindications)
  8. Individual training on Levitas, Redcord suspension systems (in the presence of concomitant pathology and absence of contraindications) – eliminates muscle spasm, restores the biomechanics of movements, improves posture, increases flexibility, strength and endurance, restores joint mobility, stabilizes muscle coordination, strengthens the upper and lower limbs
  9. Physiotherapy procedures (in the presence of concomitant pathology and absence of contraindications): provide anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, restorative and relaxing effects, improve local blood circulation and lymph outflow, stimulate tissue nutrition.
    • laser therapy (in the absence of a pacemaker, implanted defibrillator / neurostimulator, metal or electronic implants)
    • magnetic therapy (in the absence of a pacemaker, implanted defibrillator / neurostimulator, metal or electronic implants, persistent hypotension or 3rd degree hypertension)
    • electrotherapy
    • shock wave therapy
  10. Psychological rehabilitation:
    • individual counseling, psychocorrection, cognitive-behavioral therapy (the amount depends on the psychological state of the person)
  11. Education and support of a healthy lifestyle
  12. Education and family support
  13. Correction of drug therapy if necessary
  14. Making a rehabilitation forecast and further recommendations

*Program from 7 days. The price does not include accommodation. A discount of -15% applies to military personnel

Additional services (paid separately)

  1. Laboratory studies (as prescribed by the doctor):
    • biochemical blood analysis (blood glucose, blood plasma ions (K, Mg), lipid profile, AST, ALT, creatinine, urea, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, glycated hemoglobin in diabetes)
    • general blood analysis, including leukocyte count and platelet count, coagulogram
    • rheumatic tests (rheumatoid factor, C-reactive protein, antistreptolysin-O, seromucoid)
  2. Instrumental diagnostics:
    • daily blood pressure monitoring if necessary
    • Holter ECG monitoring if necessary
    • duplex scanning of the vessels of the lower limbs, head and neck if necessary
    • MRI, CT, ultrasound, X-ray, echocardiography
  3. Consultation of other specialists
  1. Laboratory studies (as prescribed by the doctor):
    • biochemical blood analysis (blood glucose, blood plasma ions (K, Mg), lipid profile, AST, ALT, creatinine, urea, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, glycated hemoglobin in diabetes)
    • general blood analysis, including leukocyte count and platelet count, coagulogram
    • rheumatic tests (rheumatoid factor, C-reactive protein, antistreptolysin-O, seromucoid)
  2. Instrumental diagnostics:
    • daily blood pressure monitoring if necessary
    • Holter ECG monitoring if necessary
    • duplex scanning of the vessels of the lower limbs, head and neck if necessary
    • MRI, CT, ultrasound, X-ray, echocardiography
  3. Consultation of other specialists
  4. Cryosauna is an effective method of improving and rejuvenating the body
  5. Ayurveda is a unique holistic effect on the body and brain. We offer a range of therapies in 2 and 4 hands, built on the principles of the most ancient teachings of mankind about health
  6. Pilates, yoga - a system of individual training that restores the balance in the work of deep muscles, mobilizes joints, and strengthens the entire muscle corset. Relieves pain and improves posture
  7. Balneological services (if there is a concomitant pathology and there are no contraindications): therapeutic baths, relaxation baths, unloading baths in the pool
  8. Gait Laboratory – biomechanical diagnosis of disorders in statics and dynamics, formation of a program of measures for the biomechanical correction of disorders on the part of the human musculoskeletal system (rehabilitation, surgical procedures, etc.)
  9. Treatment with stem cells is an innovative technique for the restoration of nervous tissue, musculoskeletal system and general rejuvenation of the body
  10. PRP - therapy - a method of treatment with blood plasma, intended for the restoration of ligaments, tendons, joints, muscles and bones
  11. Hyaluronic acid injection into the joints is a quick and effective method of skin and joint rejuvenation
  12. Lipogems is a medical procedure that uses the patient's own adipose tissue to treat and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues of the musculoskeletal system
  13. Accommodation in apartments
  14. Food

Contraindications to medical rehabilitation according to the program:

  • Acute infectious diseases, purulent infectious diseases, active stage of tuberculosis
  • The presence of bedsores
  • Decompensated somatic diseases: endocrine diseases (diabetes, thyroid pathology, etc.); hepatic, pancreatic insufficiency of the III degree; exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, uncontrolled arrhythmias, heart failure IV f. class by NYHA; respiratory insufficiency of the III degree, critical stenosis of blood vessels, blood clots in the cavities of the heart chambers
  • Instability of vital signs (pulse, BP, SpO2, CHD, temperature)
  • Hemorrhagic syndrome with frequent and/or intense bleeding regardless of etiology, severe anemia (hemoglobin level less than 80 g/l)
  • Acute infectious diseases, purulent infectious diseases, active stage of tuberculosis
  • The presence of bedsores
  • Decompensated somatic diseases: endocrine diseases (diabetes, thyroid pathology, etc.); hepatic, pancreatic insufficiency of the III degree; exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, uncontrolled arrhythmias, heart failure IV f. class by NYHA; respiratory insufficiency of the III degree, critical stenosis of blood vessels, blood clots in the cavities of the heart chambers
  • Instability of vital signs (pulse, BP, SpO2, CHD, temperature)
  • Hemorrhagic syndrome with frequent and/or intense bleeding regardless of etiology, severe anemia (hemoglobin level less than 80 g/l)
  • Fever or low-grade fever of unknown origin
  • Mental illnesses and other disorders of higher nervous activity that require special supervision and make productive contact with patients impossible
  • Acute thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower extremities, the presence of free or floating blood clots, thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery
  • Absence of consent of the patient or his legal representatives to provide rehabilitation assistance
  • Inability of the patient to participate in a high-volume rehabilitation care program (3 hours or more of rehabilitation therapy during the day, 5 days a week)
  • A multidisciplinary rehabilitation team predicts no progress in functioning during high-intensity rehabilitation care in a rehabilitation hospital

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